
How to Identify the Best Mining and Exploration Companies

Episode #374 | August 12, 2024

Episode #374 | August 12, 2024

How to Identify the Best Mining and Exploration Companies

In This Episode

On this week's Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan and Corey welcome Brent Cook back to the show. Brent is an economic geologist, as well as the founder and senior adviser of newsletter company Exploration Insights. With more than 30 years of experience in property economics and geology evaluations – spanning 60-plus countries – Brent has seen it all. He is one of the most credible, successful, and knowledgeable mining-stock investors in the world. If you invest in mining stocks, this episode is an absolute must-listen experience.

Brent kicks off the show by discussing what's happening at Yellowstone and what he learned from attending Rick Rule's mining conference. Brent warns investors to beware of mining and exploration companies that are picking up old, "dead" projects and redrilling holes, purely to bump up their share price and raise capital. After, Brent details a bit about his career history and how he ended up in geology. Speaking about why it's so difficult finding good companies in the industry, he notes...

Probably over half the companies listed – junior exploration companies listed – are working on projects that don't really stand a chance of providing a significant increase in the share price. And that's usually because... there are so few high-quality projects or deposits out there to be found.

Next, Brent discusses what investors should look for when trying to find a mining company worth buying. This includes the narrative of the broader economy, the risk profile, and knowing what kinds of results you want to see from the company in terms of drill results. As he explains, folks should seek high-margin companies with good management teams and with deposits in friendly jurisdictions. He lists off several regions and countries that he believes look promising today, plus some complications he has faced in the past...

In Colombia, I remember going to a project that on paper sounded good, but the deposit went under a beautiful white church. So that's not going to happen. It gets down to specifics of the location, but certainly the jurisdiction. Are you in the right country? Are you in the right province or state within that country where the politics are such that you can build a mine?

Finally, Brent names a copper-mining company that he's interested in today. It has water rights, no environmental liabilities, and a project that looks auspicious. He also shares a gold-mining company he likes that's developing a very high-grade deposit in Australia. Brent then explains the difference between mining and extracting gold and copper, and he makes a bullish case for the red metal...

We definitely do not have enough [copper] deposits on the horizon to come into production to fill what I think we're going to need. In general, it takes 10 to 20 years, from discovery to production.