
Opening Our Mailbag and Answering Your Questions

Episode #341 | December 26, 2023

Episode #341 | December 26, 2023

Opening Our Mailbag and Answering Your Questions

In This Episode

On this week's special mailbag episode of Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan Ferris and Corey McLaughlin are answering some of the most interesting questions they've received in recent weeks from subscribers. They tackle everything that has been on your mind – and a few things that you probably haven't even considered.

Dan and Corey kick things off with questions about whether the green-energy movement and threats to eliminate fossil fuels will boost the price of oil... the broken housing market in the U.S. and what it means for homebuilders... nuclear energy's potential as a big source of power in America... and where uranium prices are headed next based on the supply-and-demand picture. Dan comments...

The climate thing is a bunch of garbage... And refusing to invest in oil production is going to make [oil] more expensive.

Next, Dan and Corey address a listener who hates that they let the cat out of the bag on the upside in farmland... and respond to another listener who wants them to talk more about specific stocks and less about the Federal Reserve. Plus, Dan and Corey answer questions about political correctness, the love of money being the root of all evil, how to profit from war, and why they prefer U.S. Treasurys to money-market funds.

Finally, Dan and Corey discuss the threat the high national debt level poses for the U.S., the development of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) as a geopolitical and economic power, and whether the U.S. losing its world reserve currency status would really be such a bad thing. Speaking about India in particular, Corey says...

I don't think it's going to knock off the United States in the next 10 or 20 years, but their middle class has been growing... I would look at that as an opportunity for investment rather than a threat to the United States.

Check out this week's podcast to hear all of the questions your fellow listeners asked and how Dan and Corey answered them.