
Stop Paying Too Much for Stocks

Episode #371 | July 22, 2024

Episode #371 | July 22, 2024

Stop Paying Too Much for Stocks

In This Episode

On this week's Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan and Corey welcome their colleague Mike Barrett back to the show. Mike is editor of Select Value Opportunities and senior analyst of Extreme Value. He joins the podcast to talk extensively about valuations, why you should never pay too much for a stock, and the opportunities he sees in the market today.

Mike kicks off the episode by giving updates on his pecan plantation and his weekly Select Value Opportunities newsletter. He explains that this service helps subscribers beat the market while taking on less risk. The portfolio has returned about 14.5% since inception and has outperformed its benchmark for nearly 80 straight weeks. Mike's secret to outperformance is his system... It focuses on valuations and gives daily rankings of 100 well-known stocks. That way, subscribers can enter positions at an ideal moment. Mike emphasizes the importance of valuation and reminds listeners that it's a metric for future performance...

I update the valuations of these [100 stocks] four times a year. Every time earnings come out, I update the valuations. And we track the prices of them daily in relation to those values. So each day, subscribers get access to a new ranking from 1 to 100, from the most undervalued stock all the way down to the most overvalued stock... When you can understand where the stock is today in relation to those expectations and what a more realistic view of those expectations is, it gives you a leg up on most investors.

Next, Mike analyzes the differences between valuing stocks in public markets and his past experience with valuing real estate in private markets. Plus, he talks more about momentum being another important factor in picking stocks and how valuations have changed in recent times. As Mike explains, the first year he started his service, only 5% of stocks were overvalued. Now, in the past year, 30% are. This is "unprecedented" and a "warning sign" that investors should be aware of. Still, Mike's system can help prevent huge losses...

I just think it helps people from making bad decisions. When you know what the value is, you can relax. It doesn't mean you're always going to get it right. I don't always get it right, I can tell you that. But most of the time, you're going to avoid the big mistakes and be there to take advantage of the opportunities when they present themselves.

Finally, Mike gives his opinion on the overall market action and the broader economic picture. He brings up market cycles, his belief that unemployment is about to be a big issue, and factors that will lead gold and silver prices higher from here. He points out that there are fewer higher-paying jobs available now and that most growth has been in lower-paying jobs. This is skewing the jobs data. And he also discusses the importance of the housing sector when it comes to inflation...

With regard to CPI [the consumer price index], about 45% of the contribution is housing. Housing inflation is running 4.5%. It's improved a little bit. But if interest rates start to go down, which they're doing... people are going to run back out there and they're going to start buying homes and pushing prices up.