
The U.S. Is Headed Off a Cliff

Episode #364 | June 3, 2024

Episode #364 | June 3, 2024

The U.S. Is Headed Off a Cliff

In This Episode

On this week's Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan and Corey welcome Dave Collum back to the show. Dave is a professor of chemistry at Cornell University and associate editor of the Journal of Organic Chemistry. He's outspoken about many topics and issues ranging from finance to politics and everything in between. And he brings this same no-holds-barred attitude to today's podcast.

Dave starts off by discussing the link between vaccines and autism, why "live" attenuated vaccines are better than "dead" ones, and the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. He specifically mentions how children in the U.S. receive about 72 vaccinations during childhood, while children in Europe receive only three. He also argues that the war in Ukraine is a direct result of NATO interfering and forcing Russian President Vladimir Putin's hand...

We wanted Putin to invade because then we could say, "We got you." And then what have we done? We've killed 500,000 Ukrainians. They have no men left to fight, because we wanted a war with Russia... Putin did not want to destroy Ukraine's infrastructure. They did not want to kill Ukraine... The idea that Putin wants to take over all of Europe is a fabrication. That's just Western propaganda.

Next, Dave talks all about the U.S. government. He breaks down why the U.S. has never supported burgeoning democracies abroad and why it's a better move geopolitically for the country to work with a single leader or a select few in power. He compares President Joe Biden with former President Donald Trump and asserts that Biden wouldn't be able to make tough calls in a time of crisis. After, Dave makes his case for why we're headed for a 40-year bear market that will drag down Americans' standard of living.

Lastly, Dave contends that AI risks taking the human element out of everything, dampening creativity, and cluttering scientific literature. He then discusses the role of pedophilia in geopolitics and the prevalence of child trafficking. And he leaves younger listeners with some sage financial advice...

You save for retirement, [but] you invest to hedge inflation. Don't think you're going to get rich, but you have to save... I saved, crudely speaking, probably 25% of my gross salary. And that's how you get to retirement safely.

Dan and Corey close the show by discussing the Federal Reserve's preferred inflation gauge – the core personal consumption expenditures ("PCE") index. The newest core PCE data shows that inflation has stabilized at 2.8% for the past three readings. Even though this is down from much higher levels in 2022, Dan and Corey point out that everyday consumers are still struggling with far higher prices while their paychecks don't keep pace. As Corey notes...

[People say,] "Well, my insurance is up 80% since last year."... McDonald's just came out and published how much all their food has gone up over the past three years. And literally every meaningful thing is up 20%... The Fed is not necessarily rooted in reality, so they are looking at these [PCE] numbers for better or worse.