
We're Entering a New Bull Market in Gold

Episode #373 | August 5, 2024

Episode #373 | August 5, 2024

We're Entering a New Bull Market in Gold

In This Episode

On this week's Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan and Corey welcome Rudi Fronk back to the show. Rudi is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Seabridge Gold (SA). With more than 35 years of experience in the gold industry, Rudi is an expert in his field. He joins the podcast to talk all about precious metals mining, future opportunities for gold and copper, and what sets his company apart from the rest.

Rudi begins by giving a brief history of how he got into gold mining. He shares the reason he started Seabridge with shareholder value in mind. He also breaks down some of the risks involved in mining – including working in politically unstable countries – and why he'll never build another mine again. After, he talks a bit about the technical aspects of drilling, exploration, and the process behind estimating how much gold is in the ground. According to Rudi...

I did a presentation looking at all the metal we have in terms of gold, copper, silver, and molybdenum in the ground, not yet mined, still needed to go into production. But all that metal in the ground at today's metal prices is $8,000 worth of metal per common share... [And Seabridge costs] $15 a share.

Next, Rudi discusses potential joint-venture opportunities with leading mining companies for Seabridge's KSM property, mainly thanks to increased demand for copper. He also talks about the importance of permitting, catalysts that could move Seabridge's share price higher, offsetting share dilution, and early-stage projects that are in the works. And Rudi makes his case for why gold is entering a new, interesting bull market.

Right now, you're seeing a huge transfer of physical gold from the West to the East... Central banks, sovereign wealth funds, Asian high-net-worth investors – they don't buy mining stocks or paper gold. They're buying the physical gold... The Western investor has abandoned gold. Investors are coming from around the world, and they're buying gold because it's not the dollar. They want out of the dollar.

Finally, Rudi shares his opinion on bitcoin, talks further about soaring copper demand, and delves into Seabridge's goal of giving back physical gold to investors. As he explains, the KSM property is expected to produce more than 1 million ounces of gold per year for the first 33 years. And 35% to 49% of gold produced will be returned to the company...

People buy gold-mining stocks expecting exposure to the gold price. They're not getting that. If you look over the long term, the large mining companies have significantly underperformed the gold price in a meaningful way. Our goal at KSM is we will take back our share of profits from the project in the form of physical gold... and deposit it at a physical ETF in exchange for shares... and then we'll dividend out those shares that we get back for depositing our gold.