
What Better Time to Buy Than During the Lows?

Episode #247 | February 28, 2022

Episode #247 | February 28, 2022

What Better Time to Buy Than During the Lows?

In This Episode

In this week's episode of Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan speaks with Rob Arnott.

Over his career, Rob has endeavored to bridge the worlds of academic theorists and financial markets, challenging conventional wisdom and searching for solutions that add value for investors. He has pioneered several unconventional portfolio strategies that are now widely applied, including tactical asset allocation, global tactical asset allocation, tax-advantaged equity management, and the Fundamental Index™ approach to investing.

His success in doing so has resulted in a reputation as one of the world's most provocative practitioners and respected financial analysts.

When Rob talks, we listen. And right now, he's saying that the market cycle is turning from one predominated by growth to one predominated by value. That presents an exceptional opportunity for the patient contrarian value investor.

 Most investors fall victim to two deeply ingrained attributes of the human psyche that work against successful contrarian investing and in favor of pursuing comfort. But, as Rob tells Dan, the markets rarely reward comfort... 

"Contrarian investing is inherently painful. It goes against human nature, and it's deeply uncomfortable. That's why it works for the patient investor. There are years, there are quarters, there are even cycles where contrarian investing doesn't work particularly well. But over long periods of time, it's relentless." 

In this vein, Rob discusses his two "core investment principles" and his forecast for out-of-control inflation (including a few "inflation fighter" places to consider putting your money today).

He also covers a proprietary definition of the term "bubble," what's going on with electric vehicles, the "best way to read the news," and much more.