

David Cervantes
Founder, Pine Brook Capital Management
David Cervantes, of New York's Pine Brook Capital Management, has over 25 years of experience in the finance industry. Prior to founding his firm in 2015, David worked with some...
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Brent Johnson
CEO and portfolio manager of Santiago Capital
Brent Johnson is the CEO and portfolio manager of Santiago Capital, a wealth management firm based in Puerto Rico which focuses on macroeconomic trends.
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Jim Osman
Founder and Chief Vision Office of The Edge Consulting group
Jim Osman founded The Edge® in 2005 and leads the analysis, business transactions, and ideas process.
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Jeff Muhlenkamp
Lead Portfolio Manager at Muhlenkamp & Company
Jeff Muhlenkamp is the lead portfolio manager at Muhlenkamp & Company.
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Brett Eversole
Lead Editor of True Wealth
Brett Eversole joined Stansberry Research in 2010. He is the lead editor and analyst for True Wealth, True Wealth Systems, True Wealth Real Estate, and DailyWealth.
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Gautam Baid
Fund Manager at Stellar Wealth Partners
Gautam Baid, CFA, is the managing partner and fund manager at Stellar Wealth Partners India Fund, an investment partnership modeled after the original Buffett Partnership fee...
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Gary Mishuris
CEO of Silver Ring Value Partners
Gary Mishuris is the managing partner and chief investment officer of Silver Ring Value Partners, an investment firm with a concentrated long-term intrinsic value...
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Dave Lashmet
Editor of Stansberry Venture Technology
Dave Lashmet undertakes an intensive research process to discover under-the-radar technology, biotechnology, and medical companies poised for near-term growth. He was one of the...
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Steve Gorelik
Fund Manager of Firebird's U.S. Value Fund
Steve Gorelik is the fund manager of Firebird's U.S. Value Fund as well as portfolio manager of Firebird's Eastern Europe and Russia funds. He joined Firebird in 2005 from...
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